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CAPPA Grievance Policy 


The grievance policy was created to ensure that CAPPA professionals demonstrate professional behavior and ethics according to our code of conduct, standards of practice, and grievance policy at all times. It also is designed to protect our professional members, the families they serve, and the integrity of our professions. This grievance policy and system is essential to our organization. 

All grievances against CAPPA certified professionals must be submitted in writing to CAPPA with a detailed account of the event(s) or behavior(s) in question, written and notarized statements from any witnesses, and any other pertinent evidence.CAPPA reserves the right to request additional information/documentation to complete the grievance filed prior to notifying the certified professional. all requested information must be submitted within 30 days. incomplete grievances or grievances that fall outside the parameters of the grievances policy may be dismissed. the grievance must be filed within one year of the occurrence. Grievances are to be typed and signed by all parties filling the grievance, and must be notarized. CAPPA expects the person(s) filing the grievance to refrain from having any further contact with the professionals named in the grievance, except when required by law. 

When the grievance committee receives a complete grievance against a CAPPA certified professional, the professional will be notified in writing within 30 days. the notification to the professional will include a copy of the grievance filed. The professional then had 30 days to answer the grievance with their own account of the event(s) or behavior(s) in question. written and notarized statements from witnesses and other pertinent evidence must all be included in the response from the CAPPA professional. CAPPA reserves the right to request more information to complete the response prior to rendering a decision.  the professional must submit all requested information within 30 days. the professional involved with a grievance must not in any way contact the part filing the grievance, execpt when required by  law. the committee will then take all evidence and accounts from both parties involved and make every effort to render a fair and impartial judgment to the best of their ability. CAPPA reserves the right to delay the decision until the legal action had concluded, and to consider the outcome in the grievance proceedings. 

The judgment of the committee is final. the committee has the right to decide any and all consequences of the grievance. possible results of the grievance may include but is not limited to the removal of credentials and certifications, warnings, remedial education of the professional, or dismissal of the grievance. The outcomes of the grievance process are not public, and CAPPA reserves the right to keep the outcome of the grievance process confidential between CAPPA and the professional only. All CAPPA certified  professionals must agree to this system of accountability  prior to entering into the certification process and agree to abide by the decisions of the grievance committee, with no right to sue for damages. 


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